Sunday, January 2, 2011


New Years Resolutions!
This year I am resolved to make only culinary resolutions. Yum. Fun. Low pressure. I am going to embark of a project of chronicling a years worth of meals, an ambitious and hopefully rewarding undertaking. I also want to try to make new foods. There are some specific things that I would like to try, here is a brief list.
1.Dumplings! I love dumplings, really who doesn't love dumplings? I want to try dumplings from around the world, from spatzel to dim sum. Especially steamed Chinese dumplings, pretty little packages of goodness.
2.Beef burgandy, I'm thinking I'll try this for my birthday. I love beef stew, the only potential problem with this may be finding the wine.
3.Asian style noodle soups. I want to try a variety of recipes and find one that is quick, easy, and fulfilling. I have in mind a highly spiced nourishing bowl, a flexible recipe that can be added to or subtracted from with ease.
4.New England boiled dinner. Mostly so I can make corned beef hash from the leftovers.
5.Cannelloni, ummmmmm cannelloni, I should make extras and freeze them.
6.Cheese soup, Lucas has been asking for it forever. Probably with lots of garlicky croutons.
7.Marcella Hazan's chicken with two lemons, drunk pork, and boiled beef. And probably lots of other things from her books too.
8.Lemon desserts. There is a world beyond chocolate, and that world is bright and fresh.
9.Chilaquiles, why the heck not.
10.Lamb with middle eastern flavors. I have kabobs in mind. Where can I find a spit?
11.And last, but not least, a whole suckling pig. Muwhahahahahahah!

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